Find a Provider

Please become familiar with your provider's websites. You will find an array of tools at your fingertips by visiting your various provider websites and utilizing their services. For example, by creating a login account with your Vision provider you may be able to obtain discounts for your next pair of glasses, make appointments, review your claims and more.

Provider Phone
Blue Shield California (BSCA) Log into your Participant Account to order replacement card(s). Under My Shortcuts select “View / Print / Order ID Card”
Blue Shield California (BSCA) Find a doctor or hospital INSIDE of California
Blue Shield California (PPO) LifeReferrals 24/7 Employee Assistance Program – EAP
Blue Shield Medicare (PPO) Summary of Benefits UCBT
Blue Shield Medicare (PPO) Summary of Benefits UEBT
Blue Shield Medicare (PPO) Homepage Visit the Blue Shield Medicare Page for more information
Blue Shield Medicare (PPO) Pharmacy Network Locator UEBT Pharmacy Network locator for Medicare Retirees
Blue Shield Medicare (PPO) Pharmacy Resources Useful links for Blue Shield Members regarding your Medicare coverage
Blue Shield Medicare (PPO) Plan Video Video overview of benefit highlights and important information
Blue Shield Medicare (PPO) Search Tool A drug formulary search tool with a list of covered drugs
BlueCard Program Find a doctor or hospital OUTSIDE of California
Cigna Dental (800) 997-1654